
Web Application Penetration Testing

Since websites are open to the internet, website vulnerabilities have the highest risk of being exploited. It may expose sensitive data which could be used for malicious practices. Thus, Web Application VAPT is of great importance to an organization.

Generally, websites are vulnerable to code or network-based attacks. If succeeded, the hacker takes over and can control the system components including switches, firewalls, routers and servers and even the website code. In severe cases, attacks can steal data and alter website operations. However, it is assumed that since the websites are simply HTML based, they are not prone to vulnerabilities. Whereas it is highly recommended to have a thorough security testing of websites, web applications or web portals, especially in case of e-commerce-based portals. Certified penetration testing (pen-testing) companies should be appointed for securing your IT infrastructure. It should be ensured that the company follows the security testing procedure based on OWASP Top-10 model.

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Mobile Appliaction Penetration Testing

With the introduction of the mobile application for fulfilling all the requirement, internet traffic has shifted from desktop browsers to mobile browsers. People tend to store their data on the phone since it is handy. However, mobile applications are not secured. They are vulnerable to attacks and pose serious cybersecurity threats. Further, users are not aware of how to store or transmit data securely.

The preliminary aim of conducting a mobile application penetration test is to identify all the exploitable vulnerabilities in the network or application that have the potential of being exploited by hackers. It will reveal various access points and ways in which a malicious hacker can compromise a database or application to gain unauthorised access to confidential data. In severe cases, they can take over the application for performing illegal activities.

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Network Penetration Testing

IT network Vulnerability Assessment and Penetration Testing is a process conducted by security experts to find the potential vulnerabilities which are prone to be exploited by malicious attacks. Since there is an ever-increasing risk by cybercrimes and hacking cases, it is essential to carry out network VAPT in order to protect sensitive data. Depending on the intensity of attack, the attacker may gain knowledge of the network or manipulate data for his/her own benefit.

To avoid such a condition, network pentesting is carried out to detect security flaws in the network which is generally a router or a firewall. Network penetration testing is a specialized procedure which ensures security and protection of your personal or company’s informational data.

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Wireless Penetration testing

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Desktop Application Penetration Testing

Desktop application security is often neglected by individuals and organizations. However. In order to ensure absolute security of company’s information assets, it is equally important to protect your desktop applications as any network, web application or mobile application. With the activation of auto updates in the operating systems, desktop applications have been constantly targeted by the malicious attacks to gain authorised access.

To avoid such situations of data loss and unauthentic access, Cyberops have developed penetration testing services to serve cutting-edge solutions to all your security problems. Our team of proficient penetration testers conduct all-round testing of the system and develop assessment reports. After the weakness are detected, the risk factor is determined and recommendation to mitigate weaknesses and security flaws are made. We believe in acknowledging you with the health of your desktop applications by analysing vulnerabilities and implementing mitigation strategies.

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